• iconDanfa-Adoteiman Site-C Extension.
  • iconinfo@gracelifeintsch.com

Office opening hours : Monday to Friday - 7am to 5pm _ Saturday - 8am - 1pm


We'd like to hear from you!

(+233) 50 874 2714

About Us

Message from Director

Dear Parents & Guardians,

You are warmly welcome to the GLIS, It is our hope that you will appreciate the opportunity of being here, and use all the available facilities the Schools offer to your fullest advantage.

Grace Life International School is established to assist children in the area of intellectual, social, physical, moral and spiritual development. It is a friendly center where children are loved and cared for. Each child is seen as unique, as each has different abilities and potential.

Grace Life International School is duly registered with Ghana Education Service (GES) as private school, registered with the Registrar Generals Department of Ghana (RGD), Ghana National Association of Private Schools (GNAPS) and National School Inspecterate Authority (NSIA). GLIS consisting of two main departments, i.e. Junior High and Basic School with the following units:
- A Pre-school (i.e. ),
- A Primary Schools (i.e. Class one - Class six),
- A Junior High Schools (i.e. JHS one - JHS three),

The staff and management aims to provide the best educational foundation for children who enroll at Grace Life Inernational School. We also believe that school is more than just about books and exams; it is also about having the right environment with good facilities that will enable development, exploration and fun.


The best way to get to know all that GLIS have to offer is to stay in regular contact with the Schools. By doing so, you will be kept informed of all the meetings and functions of the School. Please arrange to attend PTA meetings, and enjoy a cordial relationship with us.

I look forward to meeting you in the new school year, and trust that your association with the School will be everything you hope for. Once again, you are welcome.

Rev. Dr. Eric Kwasi Annan
(Director, GLIS)

Our Crest & Motto

The crest depicts in picturesque form the ideals of knowledge, discipline and moral excellence. It crystalises the Schools’motto, aims and objectives.

Our Mission

To privide quality education and to make every child unique by developing their self asteem and critical thinking ability, while promoting our national values.

Our vision

We envision that that Grace Life International Sch. will be a highly respected school that offers higher education and life experiences to children in challenging society and beyond