Office opening hours : Monday to Friday - 7am to 5pm _ Saturday - 8am - 1pm
Grace Life International Sch. integrates quality and upgraded educational reforms to meet the current challenges in education. It is our considered opinion and recommendation to parents and guardians to secure a brighter future for their wards through Grace Life International School. It is our intention to address the importance of the individual as an active member of a community that extends beyond the classroom into a more diverse society.
Grace Life International School is thereby established to assist your children/wards in areas of intellectual, social, physical, moral and spiritual development. It is a friendly environment where children are loved and cared for. We believe each child is unique and as such, each child has different abilities and potential.
To provide the best quality educational foundation for your wards at Grace Life International school
Apply NowWe will continue to maintain our hall-mark of Academic Excellence and Discipline and will not slack back on the standard set up for the school. Join us in leading your children into the hall of excellence.